02 September 2008

Two New Pieces...

Well, I've not been feeling all that well today, so I have had some time to sit around and hit the 'net. I'm happy to direct you to two pieces I have wrote:

The first, "Confessions of a Recovering Nationalist" is avaliable at www.JesusManifesto.com, and shares a bit of my conversion story from being an American Patriot to being a Jesus Patriot. This is my first post over at the site, and I hope that I'll be invited back for some more.

The second is my interview with David Mack, author of the upcoming Star Trek: Destiny trilogy from Pocket Books. It is avaliable today as a part of my regular Library Computer feature at www.trekmovie.com.


All original material (C) 2007-2010 by Father Robert Lyons.

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