Windows Vista Sucks... BADLY

Posted by Bishop Robert Lyons at 7:25 PM 2 comments
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Posted by Bishop Robert Lyons at 3:03 PM 2 comments
Labels: Frankie
FOLLOW-UP DISCLAIMER: Lest anyone get the idea that I am calling for an opening of the floodgates when it comes to barrier contraceptives, let me note that I believe that NFP is the best route to go if a couple is choosing to delay pregnancy. That being said, I know that NFP can lead to other issues in the sexual lives of couples, especially if one or the other party is less than convinced about NFP. Couples who marry must be open to life, or else it is not a valid Sacramental marriage. Couples who are incapable of having children biologically should be moved by pastors to consider adoption or other involvement with children (foster parenting, teaching, etc.) to display that openness to life. The use of any form of birth control should, however, always be a last resort, and should only be undertaken by Christians after serious consultation with their pastor.
Posted by Bishop Robert Lyons at 1:52 AM 2 comments
Labels: Contraception
I remember growing up a Star Trek fan, and going to conventions, and hearing of this show called "The Outer Limits". It wasn't until I was about thirteen that I actually managed to catch an episode, and I was absolutely hooked.
TNT began airing Saturday night marathons of the show (usually starting at about 7 PM and running through sunrise the following morning), and I religiously (pun intended) taped the episodes and watched them again and again. There are still episodes I haven't seen, and I only have the first season on DVD... but "The Outer Limits" is a most enjoyable show... one I wish would have went on further in the sixties, as opposed to its modern revival in the last decade.
Remembering "The Outer Limits" reminds me of just how unique such marathons were in the day. Today, nearly every show can get a marathon... on just about every cable network. It's not the same today.
Posted by Bishop Robert Lyons at 2:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Science Fiction
No, not human organs (though I have been known to blog on said subject). Today I am taking a moment out to write about my intensifying distaste for organs in liturgical worship.
I used to love the organ. Nothing quite got me going like "Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise" on Pascha. I can think of setting after setting of the Gloria in excelsis that I loved on organ (Old Scottish Chant, anyone!). I never had anything against other instruments, I just loved the organ.
As I have grown older, though, I have found the 'organ experience' to be less than satisfying. It is rare that I can hear anyone singing over the organ, and more often than not (in my experience!) organists in the Church tend to dominate the assembly, choir, and other instruments - even when they are amplified.
In contrast, I have come to a strong love of piano and guitar in liturgical worship, as well as woodwinds. I'm still not much a fan of drums, but there is something about gentle, reflective music and joyful bursts of praise with such, well... such noble instruments.
Certainly guitars and pianos and such can be overdone (and over-amplified), but if I ever have to hear the Gloria in excelsis sung like a funeral dirge again, it will be way too soon.
Posted by Bishop Robert Lyons at 12:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Musings
Posted by Bishop Robert Lyons at 7:03 AM 1 comments
Labels: Musings
Posted by Bishop Robert Lyons at 10:26 AM 2 comments
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