One Date for Pascha/Easter

Some ideas:
- Celebrate Pascha in the Sunday immediately following the Jewish Passover
- Celebrate Pascha on the last Sunday in April
- Celebrate Pascha on the first Sunday in April
Celebrating on the Sunday after the Jewish Passover helps maintain a continuity with the foreshadowing of the Paschal Mystery. Celebrating on the last Sunday in April allows for warmer (somewhat) weather in order to celebrate baptism outdoors in a natural setting (stream, creek, river, etc...). Celebrating on the first Sunday in April is probably the ecumenically-sensitive option, since that is what most folks would seem to prefer.
You can register your support for a single day to observe Pascha by visiting
Ummm... Fr Robert
just as Western Christians shouldn't forget Eastern Christians,
Northern Christians shouldn't forget Southern Christians :-)
What about the ecumenical meeting in Aleppo, Syria in 1997? This concluded that the present differences in the calendars and lunar tables (paschal cycles) have no different fundamental theological outlook. The suggestion there was to replace both Eastern and Western calculations with the most advanced astronomically accurate calculations of the equinox and the full moon following, using the meridian of Jerusalem as the point of measure.
Christ is Risen!
Fr Bosco
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