Homily for Ash Wednesday 2014
Along with entering into spring comes the impetus to engage
in some cleaning. Trust me, in a few weeks, when the weather actually catches up
with what the forecasters are calling this time, you’ll see plenty of ads for
big box retailers promoting their spring cleaning lines. They’ll become as ubiquitous
as the ads for Filet ‘o Fish sandwiches are today. Mops and brooms and
organizing solutions will go flying off the shelves as bachelors and
housewives, dads and retirees all seek to make good on the promise of a sense
of accomplishment, a clean house, and perhaps some organization in their lives.
What you may be unaware of is that spring cleaning has among
its roots a deeply religious reason – the requirement of purging all leaven
from ones’ home during the feast of Pesach, what we know today as the Jewish
Passover. This means that every trace of yeast, all leavened products…
everything that is not classified as Passover Kosher – yes, there are two kinds
of kosher! – have to be purged. For the serious Jewish family, spring cleaning
is a religious act. The fridge and stove are pulled out, crevice tools reach
into areas so finite that it seems impossible for a bread crumb to have gotten
there… but it’s cleaned nonetheless! Special pots and pans are brought out.
Passover-only dinnerware is used. Some families even go so far as to have a
Passover-only stove, oven, and fridge! Even the kids, on the night before
Passover, get to go hunting for the last bit of leaven. All that, because they
don’t want to run even the remotest risk of having any leaven in their homes
for the Passover and the subsequent Feast of Unleavened Bread.
But why?
Biblically, leaven is used repeatedly as an illustration for
sin. In the Old Testament leaven is consistently used to represent sin, falsehood,
and evil…In the New Testament, leaven was used by Jesus himself to represent the
false teachings of the Pharisees and the lack of faith on the part of the Sadducees
Saint Paul boldly challenges the Corinthian Church to celebrate the feast, ‘not
with the old bread of wickedness and evil, but with the unleavened bread of
sincerity and truth.’
I am not suggesting to you that you need to go home this
afternoon and purge out your loaves of Wonder Bread or toss your yeast packets
into the garbage… but I am suggesting that you take today as the chance to
embark on a journey towards Eastertide in which you will go into those
crevices, the places perhaps you don’t think to examine for sin, and to
challenge yourself to allow Christ into those areas in your life.
We need to take time to reflect on our sinfulness because,
to be honest, sometimes our sins have become either so completely hidden in the
cracks, or have blended so surreptitiously into our lives, that we no longer take notice
of them.
I grew up with my grandmother. Until the day she had a
stroke and went into the hospital for the last time, she smoked… and for most
of the years I lived with her, you couldn’t tell the difference between her and
the 6:15 bound for Topeka.
After she died, when I decided to sell the trailer she had left me, I went to
go clean it up. There was plenty of stuff that was in obvious need of removal…
her old clothes, kitchen supplies, Kleenexes under furniture… the obvious
things. But I hadn’t been in the house for a while, and something just didn’t
smell right. So I decided to wipe down the walls, thinking that, perhaps, some
mold or something had grown. What came off the walls was truly disgusting.
Decades of smoke had clung to the walls, subtly discoloring EVERYTHING. I grew
up in the house. I moved in on the day she closed on the house… I lived there
for fourteen years before I left for work and school… I came back and lived
there for three more years as her health declined… and I had become so
completely accustomed to the discoloration of the walls, the curtains – the white
curtains that I always thought were yellow! – that I was shocked… simply
My brothers and sisters, there are things in our lives that
we know we need to clean up. There are many sins we take to the Lord, fully
realizing our need for his mercy and grace in them. And yet, how often do we go
deeper? Do we allow ourselves to settle for mediocrity in our efforts to clean
up our lives? If we do, I can promise you, with absolute certainty, that the
things we refuse to examine, the crevices we refuse to clean, will eventually
begin to quietly erode at our life of faith.
In this Lenten season, therefore, as we gather today to
receive the sign of ashes and to be nourished in Word and Sacrament, I invite
each of you to observe this time with great devotion and attention to your spiritual
needs. I invite you to seek out the counsel of a wise and loving pastor if you
find yourself struggling – with sins that are great, or sins that are small.
Above all, I invite you to reinvigorate your relationship with the only one who
can possibly make anything out of what we do here today, Jesus the Christ, who
died for our justification; the one who sends the Spirit into our midst to
convict us, to apply mercy, and to draw us ever closer to himself.
To God be glory, now and forever. Amen!