Saint Timothy
Today the Church celebrates the memorial of Saint Timothy. Timothy was from the Lycaonian city of Lystra in Asia Minor. He was converted to Christ around the year 52 by the Apostle Paul. When the Paul and Barnabas first visited the cities of Lycaonia, Paul healed one crippled from birth. Many of the inhabitants of Lystra then believed in Christ, and among them was the future Timothy, his mother Eunice and grandmother Loida (Lois) (Acts 14:6-12; 2 Tim. 1:5).
The seed of faith, planted in the soul of Timothy by Paul, brought forth abundant fruit. He became Paul's disciple, and later his constant companion and co-worker in the preaching of the Gospel. Paul loved Timothy and in his Epistles called him his beloved son, remembering his devotion and fidelity with gratitude.
He wrote to Timothy: “You have followed my teaching, way of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, and patience” (2 Tim. 3:10-11). Paul appointed Timothy as Bishop of Ephesus, where the saint remained for fifteen years. Finally, when Paul was in prison and awaiting martyrdom, summoned his faithful friend, Timothy, for a last farewell (2 Tim. 4:9).
Timothy ended his life as a martyr. The pagans of Ephesus celebrated a festival in honor of their idols, and carried them through the city, accompanied by impious ceremonies and songs. Zealous for the glory of God, Timothy attempted to halt the procession and reason with the spiritually blind idol-worshipping people, by preaching the true faith in Christ. The pagans angrily fell upon the bishop, they beat him, dragged him along the ground, and finally, they stoned him. Timothy's martyrdom occurred in the year 93.
The seed of faith, planted in the soul of Timothy by Paul, brought forth abundant fruit. He became Paul's disciple, and later his constant companion and co-worker in the preaching of the Gospel. Paul loved Timothy and in his Epistles called him his beloved son, remembering his devotion and fidelity with gratitude.
He wrote to Timothy: “You have followed my teaching, way of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, and patience” (2 Tim. 3:10-11). Paul appointed Timothy as Bishop of Ephesus, where the saint remained for fifteen years. Finally, when Paul was in prison and awaiting martyrdom, summoned his faithful friend, Timothy, for a last farewell (2 Tim. 4:9).
Timothy ended his life as a martyr. The pagans of Ephesus celebrated a festival in honor of their idols, and carried them through the city, accompanied by impious ceremonies and songs. Zealous for the glory of God, Timothy attempted to halt the procession and reason with the spiritually blind idol-worshipping people, by preaching the true faith in Christ. The pagans angrily fell upon the bishop, they beat him, dragged him along the ground, and finally, they stoned him. Timothy's martyrdom occurred in the year 93.
Prayer of the Day
Heavenly Father, you sent the apostle Paul to preach the gospel, and gave him Timothy as a companion in the faith who witnessed to Christ by both his life and his death. Grant that our fellowship with him and with one another in the Holy Spirit may bear witness to the name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Morning Prayer Reading
Acts 16: 1-5
Divine Liturgy Readings
2 Timothy 1: 1-14
John 10: 11-16
Evening Prayer Reading
2 Timothy 3: 10-17
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