30 January 2008

Saint Antony of Egypt

Today the Church commemorates Saint Antony of Egypt. He was born at Qemen-al-Auros in Upper Egypt, and was one of the earliest Egyptian desert fathers. Born to Christian parents from whom he inherited a large estate, he took personally Jesus’ message to sell all that you have, give to the poor, and follow Christ. After making arrangements to care for his sister, he gave away the remainder of his inheritance and became a hermit. Later, he became the head of a group of monks that lived in a cluster of huts and dedicated themselves to communal prayer, worship, and labor under Antony’s direction. The money they earned from their work was distributed as alms. Antony and his monks also preached and counseled those who sought them out.

Prayer of the Day
Most gracious God, you called your servant Antony to sell all that he had and to serve you in the solitude of the desert. By his example may we learn to deny ourselves and to love you before all things. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


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