17 March 2010

For the Second Time this Week, Secular Types Try to Shut Down House Church

For the second time this week, news has hit the airwaves that a house-based religious group is under citation by civic authorities; this time in Rancho Cucamonga, California. The city was in the news about six months ago when they filed to shut down another group; one which was eventually allowed to meet anyway.

From the article: "Kurt J. Keating, the city's code enforcement supervisor, said the city is trying to restrict church services held in private homes, not home Bible studies."

The code enforcement supervisor has clearly voiced the city's intent to violate the right to freely practice religion. 

Now, if the group is attracting thirty or so people every week in the same house, my opinion is that they should probably start meeting in two separate locations or rotating among houses... but to attempt to restrict Church services in a home is patently unconstitutional and a gross violation of human rights.


Eric March 19, 2010 at 1:32 PM  

Fr. Robert,

I have come upon your site via Comfortable Words. I have glanced at many of your posts. I had not heard of the Reformed Evangelical Synod of America before. From what I can gather, it seems to be akin to classical Anglicanism (Reformed Catholicism)/Lutheranism (Evangelical Catholicism). I hope to learn more as I click around!

All original material (C) 2007-2010 by Father Robert Lyons.

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