18 July 2008

Classic SciFi - "The Outer Limits"

I remember growing up a Star Trek fan, and going to conventions, and hearing of this show called "The Outer Limits". It wasn't until I was about thirteen that I actually managed to catch an episode, and I was absolutely hooked.

TNT began airing Saturday night marathons of the show (usually starting at about 7 PM and running through sunrise the following morning), and I religiously (pun intended) taped the episodes and watched them again and again. There are still episodes I haven't seen, and I only have the first season on DVD... but "The Outer Limits" is a most enjoyable show... one I wish would have went on further in the sixties, as opposed to its modern revival in the last decade.

Remembering "The Outer Limits" reminds me of just how unique such marathons were in the day. Today, nearly every show can get a marathon... on just about every cable network. It's not the same today.


All original material (C) 2007-2010 by Father Robert Lyons.

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